Netherlands Metabolomics Centre

The Netherlands Metabolomics Centre (NMC) brings together the vast knowledge and extensive expertise of the Dutch genomics and life sciences community to develop the technologies that will meet these demands.  Through active community building and collaboration within the field, the NMC functions as a liaison between groups developing and applying metabolomics technology, actively promoting the transfer of knowledge and technology in the field of metabolomics through a network of committed partners. Together, the NMC team confronts the challenges of metabolomics research and develop the tools and strategies needed most by the Dutch and international research community.

NMC works closely together with the Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences, combining metabolomics with other life sciences technologies and bio-informatics to provide biological insights resulting from integrated life sciences approaches.

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What is Metabolomics?

Much like genomics aims to unravel the structure of the genome, metabolomics focuses on understanding the many small molecule metabolites that result from a cell’s metabolic processes. There are an estimated 5,000 - 20,000 endogenous human metabolites, and analysing their production gives an accurate picture of the physiology of a cell at a given moment in time. Whereas the cell’s genotype can predict its physiology to a limited extent, metabolomics also takes phenotype – and therefore environmental conditions – into account, allowing a more precise measure of actual cell physiology.

For research, the study of metabolomics provides the means to measure the effects of a variety of stimuli on individual cells, tissues, and bodily fluids.By studying how their metabolic profiles change with the introduction of chemicals or the expression of known genes, for example, researchers can more effectively study the immediate impact of disease, nutrition, pharmaceutical treatment, and genetic modifications while using a systems biology approach.


NMC is a foundation, which generates its income from partnership fees of its partners. As defined in the NMC partner agreement a NMC partner is a public or private oranisation that is an independent legal entity with an active scientific or commercial interest  in Metabolomics Technologies expertise and / or infrastructure, that support the NMC mission and aims, and that want to actively participate in the NMC network. The foundation welcomes international partners.

The foundation has a board, consisting of the following persons:

  • Dr. Adriana Carvalho de Souza (dsm-firmenich, chair)
  • Dr. Jildau Bouwman (TNO, secretary)
  • Dr. Michel Weeghel  (Amsterdam UMC, treasurer)
  • Prof. dr. Herman Spaink (LU)
  • Dr. Denise Slenter MSc (Maastricht University)
  • Dr. Justin van der Hooft (Wageningen UR)

representing YoungNMC

  • Dr. Sofia Moco, (VU Amsterdam)
  • Alessio Ciurli, PhD candidate (dsm-firmenich)

All partners have the right to nominate one representant in the Partner Advisory Committee. The board meets at least once a year with the PAC. The PAC advises the board on the strategy and policy of NMC an on any other major issue that may be of relevance for the foundation.   

The board is assisted by a management team that is responsible for the day-to-day management of the foundation.

The Management Team consists of:

  • Merlijn van Rijswijk MSc MBA - Managing Director
  • Dr. Meike Bünger - Community Manager 
  • Prof.dr. Thomas Hankemeier - Scientific Director

Partnership fee and minimal term of partnership

NMC partners pay a yearly partnership fee to the NMC foundation. The fee is depending on the size and the nature of the partner's organisation.

NMC Partner category Partnership fee Minimum period of partnership Employees Turnover or balance sheet total
Research organisation € 2.500 2 year    
Large industry € 7.500 2 year > 250 fte > € 50 milllion or > € 43 million
Medium-sized industry € 5.000 2 year < 250 fte < € 50 million or < € 43 million
Small industry € 1.000 1 year < 50 fte   < € 10 milllion or < € 10 million
Micro industry € 250 1 year < 10 fte < € 2 million or < € 2 million

Financial information

  • Chamber of Commerce: 61268259
  • VAT number: 854277250.B01
  • Account holder: Netherlands Metabolomics Centre Foundation
  • IBAN: NL07ABNA0469852526
  • Bank: ABN AMRO