Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (UvA)

Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS) at the University of Amsterdam.

SILS is a multidisciplinary research institute with a systems biology approach to the life sciences. Researchers work in 4 themes: Cell & Systems Biology, Neurobiology, Green Life Sciences and Microbiology to understand the molecular basis of life. In this endeavour metabolomics, lipidomics and volatomics play a crucial role in unravelling these questions at a systemic level.  

The plant physiology department employs volatomics to study plant biotic interactions, while the plant hormone biology department aims at unravelling plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere by analysis of crucial signalling molecules. The department of molecular neurosciences study neurodegenerative diseases and the brain plasticity group analyse early life stress using lipid and metabolite profiles.  The microbiology theme uses metabolomics and lipidomics to address questions in the fields of the microbiome, biotechnology, antibiotic resistance and spore biology.

Within SILS the biosystems data analysis department develops novel data analysis approaches for multi-omics data, while the laboratory for mass spectrometry of biomolecules houses all mass spectrometry platforms and develops novel approaches for gathering multi-omics data using mass spectrometry. 


Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences
University of Amsterdam
Sciencepark 904
1098 XH Amsterdam
The Netherlands



Contact person: 
Dr. Gertjan Kramer